Economics of International Finance(choosing a country) - Essay ExampleThe reason for choosing the US is the ready availability of data for this study, the reliability of the data collected. The sample size of the data collected was sufficient and realistic, hence, suitable for testing the hypotheses of this study. The report will be presented in an analytical and descriptive structure containing the summaries and analysis of the economic variables. The report thus gives recommendation of actions because of economic management policies that had projected economic growth of the debts of US to approximately US$ 430 Billion in the subsequent five years (Cohen 2007, p76). The ultimate purpose of the economy is to do cost and benefit analysis of the US, showing a roadmap to cost balancing between the exports and the imports in alignment with the US economic policies.There are four study questions, which this study intends to investigate. Using the economic variables, this study investigates whether there is any effect of consumer product demands on the consumer prices or not.